Presented in Milan the communication campaign of Lay's

It was held yesterday at QC Yards Events in Milan, the official presentation of the first advertising campaign for Italian Lay’s, brand of potato chips most sold in the world of the PepsiCo Group.
The Italian launch officially began with an original performance of XCUBE3D the presence of Barbara Saba, Snacks Business Development Manager e Raffaella Fontana, Snacks Brand Manager e di Fabio Cannavaro, Italian ambassador Lay’s. During the event, were presented the brand Lay's, product characteristics and activities, from May to July, accompany the launch.
Lay’s born in 1932 a Nashville (Tennessee) Herman Lay of the project, in 1944 is the first brand of snacks to go with a commercial on TV. Lay's has five different proposals: Lay’s Classiche, Lay's Recipe Campagnola, Lay’s XTRA gusto Classico, XTRA like Lay's Lay's Barbecue and Sour Cream taste XTRA&Onion.

The communication campaign by the 18 May 2014 will officially start in Italy. Shot in 3 tra giorni Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), Barcelona (Spain) and Milan, the spot is called 'Messi, Photo!’ – by request of fans that appear in the clip - and is the centerpiece of the campaign. In the commercial, the player walks through the streets of Rio and meets his fans, excited, ask him pictures and autographs. With the background music of the hit “Balada Tchê Tcherere Tchê Tchê” Brazilian singer of Gusttavo Lima, The clip ends by revealing the true intent of a fan of Messi, ie 'steal' the chips while he lends to the shots. Left with the empty package, the Argentine Footballer of the Year Fabio Cannavaro meets with a package of Lay's just opened and, figured out by now the trick, approaches him on the pretext of asking him 'a photo'.
The TV spot continues with global Fabio Cannavaro who returns home in Italy with a suitcase full of Lay's potato chips, happy because they will no longer have to travel to enjoy all the pleasure of Lay's potato chips. Suddenly, someone knocks on his door and Cannavaro, mindful of the experience in Brazil where everyone was trying to steal chips, immediately hides!

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