“Emperors of Light” Ria Luxuries

The Galleria Doria Pamphili in Rome for the first time opens its doors to contemporary art. From 10 October to 10 November 2014 will be exhibited in the cloister of the Palazzo Doria Pamphili The twelve glass sculptures that give the title of the project Ria Lussi Emperors of Light. A series of portraits, from Julius Caesar to Constantine XI, which recounts the transformation of the Roman Empire and the Byzantine Empire through its long history, renewed over time with the emergence of Christianity.
The Emperors of Light series stands as the natural outcome of a habit of the great families from the Italian Renaissance, call to artists to portray the Emperors Cesari - considered models of virtue – and so decorate Gardens and Galleries. A story sculptural crucial to strengthen the code of this on the heels of the illustrious past, through the privilege of a unique synergy close and exciting.
The family Doria Pamphili still retains a large number of heads of Cesari, collected over the centuries by ancestors of celebrities and today collected in the palaces of Genoa and Rome. At this priceless heritage we have now added the comparison with the present through an ambitious project entitled Contemporary Series. The first commission, focused on a renewed group of Emperors, stems from the desire of the spouses Massimiliano Floridi and Gesine Doria Pamphili who have entrusted to the Italian artist Ria Luxuries.
The series, exposed this summer in the Italian garden of the Villa del Principe in Genoa – owned by the family Doria Pamphili – and Palazzo Collicola Visual Arts in Spoleto, is composed of twelve busts glass representing Caesar, Augusto, Trajan, Marco Aurelio, Diocletian, Constantine I, Theodosius, Romolo Augustolo, Justinian, Leone III, Irene and Constantine XI.
credit Michela De Nicola

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