Aldo Magadan President and CEO says Zenith
LVMH announces the appointment of Aldo Magada as President and CEO of Zenith which takes the place of Jean- Frédéric Dufour (appointed General Manager…
LVMH announces the appointment of Aldo Magada as President and CEO of Zenith which takes the place of Jean- Frédéric Dufour (appointed General Manager…
MANGO ended the year 2013 with a consolidated turnover of the Group amounted to MANGO MNG Holding 1.846 million euro, an increase of…
The 2014 Maserati in Italy began with 228 units registered in January and February and an increase of 1100% compared to the same period last year.
Imperial closes 2013 showing a growth of 30% over the previous year. The turnover 2013 amounted in fact to over 154 million compared to 119 million in the 2012. Positive results also confirmed by EBITDA, complete al 18,5%.
The Shareholders' Meeting approves the financial statements of Pitti Immagine 2013 and renews the Board of Directors for the next term. Confirmed Gaetano Marzotto presidential, appointed four new directors: Francesco Barberis Canonico, Andrea Lardini, Claudio Marenzi and Toni Scervino.
Moncler preliminary consolidated results for the financial year 2013. The consolidated Gross Margin amounted to Euro 414,1 million with a margin equal to 71,3% compared to 69,7% year 2012.
A brief note on the results of market of Honda in January 2014. The first place in sales is worth a market share of 25,7% (over a two-wheeled vehicle is sold on four Honda), leadership is composed of first place among the bikes (14,5%) both among scooter (33,4%).
L’azienda Unomaglia, leader nella produzione e confezione di abbigliamento del prêt-à-porter del settore lusso, è subentrata alla precedente proprietà e gestione di RMW Srl., creando RMW Due.
Salvatore Ferragamo Group shall report to the Preliminary Consolidated Revenues for the Year 2013 which amounted to 1.258 millions of euro, with increased 9% at current exchange rates and 11% at constant exchange rates, compared to 2012.
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